June 30, 2008


29 Jun 2008 (morning)
I am issuing this statement from within the embassy of the Republic of Turkey in Kuala Lumpur. I was transported to the embassy earlier this morning fearing that my personal safety was in danger. I thank all those who offered to assist me in this time of need and am grateful to the Turkish Ambassador for extending an invitation to seek refuge within the Embassy. Since the March 8th elections, numerous credible sources from within the government and military intelligence have advised me that certain agents from within Barisan Nasional leadership have initiated plots to cause harm to me or my family or my supporters. I have been told that my assassination has not been ruled out as means to subvert the people’s will and bring an end to the transformational changes taking place in Malaysia. Notwithstanding the threats which are intended to silence my voice, I intend make public new evidence implicating that the Inspector General of the Police Musa Hassan and the Attorney General Gani Patail engaged in criminal acts of fabricating evidence in cases launched against me in 1998. The allegations that have been made against me on Saturday are nothing more than a replay of the events which transpired in 1998 when I was sacked from the office of the Deputy Prime Minister, jailed and beaten, and then charged and convicted by a kangaroo court for crimes which I never committed. This charade was orchestrated by a corrupt Barisan Nasional leadership which made use of the entire apparatus of the state power including its control of the judiciary, the police force, and its grip on the mainstream media. These actions are being repeated today to undermine the forces of reform and renewal which were unleashed in the March 2008 elections. I would like to assure my family, friends and supporters in Malaysia that I am safe and remain committed as ever before to continuing the struggle for a free and just Malaysia.


29 Jun 2008
Laporan polis yang dibuat terhadap saya awal pagi ini adalah satu rekaan semata-mata. Saya percaya kita sedang menyaksikan ulangan pendekatan sama yang digunakan terhadap saya pada tahun 1998 apabila tuduhan palsu dibuat dengan paksaan. Nyatalah ini satu tindakan terdesak oleh regim Barisan Nasional untuk menghalang usaha rakyat Malaysia menuju kebebasan, demokrasi dan keadilan.
Laporan palsu ini dirancang oleh pihak-pihak berkepentingan untuk menyerang saya sebagai satu serangan balas terhadap bukti yang saya perolehi mengaitkan Ketua Polis Negara Musa Hasan dan Peguam Negara Gani Patail dengan perbuatan salah laku, termasuk usaha pemalsuan bukti-bukti kes yang melibatkan saya pada tahun 1998-99. Serangan jahat ini tidak akan menghalang saya dari mendedahkan bukti-bukti tersebut kepada awam. Saya menyeru rakyat Malaysia untuk bangun menentang kuasa-kuasa menindas yang akan digunakan oleh kerajaan pada hari dan minggu-minggu berikutnya. Kita menjangkakan pihak media, badan kehakiman dan pihak polis akan tunduk di bawah telunjuk serta arahan pemerintah.Rakan-rakanku rakyat Malaysia- kita telah mengambil langkah berani pada 8hb Mac 2008 untuk mara demi harapan baru untuk kebebasan dan keadilan untuk semua rakyat. Gerakan rakyat untuk perubahan mesti terus maju dengan segala kekuatan dan keberanian.


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